Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Ethereal Slap in the Metaphysical Face


Today, I start another online course towards my MBA. This delicacy is entitled: "Production and Operations Management." Quite possibly the least exciting-sounding class I have ever taken. Macroeconomics sounds like a race car compared with this class.

I crack open the book to begin the first chapter, hoping to give this course an open mind. Something about this book is slightly off and makes me want to slowly puke all over my hands. Not sure if it's the fact the book is a touch larger than a normal book, the paper feels like the high quality used in a child's coloring book, or that it gives off the peculiar odor of a used crayon stub and reminds me of learning how to divide. Through it's combination of unwieldy layout, too-tall pages, odd fonts and colors... I have come to the realization...... this book was designed for sad, tall, alien creatures with elongated faces and mournful eyes, who cherish simple mathematics with an awkward joy but forever fail to communicate their real feelings.

Ok. So the book LOOKS kinda dumb. Ah ah ah ahhhh... but I know what you are thinking. Don't judge a book by it's cover, right?? Yes, that is what you were thinking because I'm telepathic.

(Exhibit 9a demonstrates how a pimple is formed)

So we take a look at the material. Starts off like this: "Managing a modern supply chain involves specialists in manufacturing, purchasing, and distribution, of course. However, today it is also vital to the work of chief financial officers, chief information officers, operations and customer service executives, and chief executives."

....... wha.... what, who's there?? I'm wearing........ bacon.... .... Oh. Oh my.... sorry I nodded off there for a moment. In reality, the only thing that kept me from entering into my delta, slow-wave, deep sleeping cycle was the poor choice of.... everything. Everything the author chose was an ethereal slap in the metaphysical face.

Let's see... how should we start a book..... use a hook to draw the reader in? (No! No.... that might get blood on the pages.) So instead, the very first communication.... the beginning of a wonderous new relationship...... is....
A) a list of boring subject matters
B) the time-old classic: "OF COURSE"

Well, I'm already beginning to feel like quite a moron. Thanks, author, for the "you are dumb if you didn't see this coming" remark. I now understand this book will be a special journey for me.

The second sentence consists of
A) slightly vague usage of the word: "it"
B) an even more boring list of job positions

That's about as far as I got. I hope to get more reading done tomorrow night.

You may wonder, why this sudden blog post after a year of negligence, concerning only a book? Why am I going into all this detail about something so trivial? It just so happens that by typing right now........ at this very moment....... I am putting off having to "describe myself to my peers" on the discussion board by 11:55pm tonight. Aaaand, in much conclusionary fanfare, I will leave you with this thought:

Procrastination = Motivation?


  1. So... can I have your MBA?
    I want one, but I can't read or write. Or love.

  2. Once I obtain the MBA, it is certainly yours. But you must learn to love........ me.
